Location: 670 Woodbourne Road, Suite 302, Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 215-750-9500 Email: info@ileneyoung.com
Representing Pennsylvania’s Families Since 1980
Welcome to Our PracticeProtecting your rights; Securing your future; Defending your peace of mind
Education Law
Special Education, Discipline, Bullying, Gifted Education, Higher Education, Academic Disputes
Special Needs Planning
Special Needs Trusts, Guardianships and Alternatives
Family Law
Focus on Special Needs Issues in Divorce, Custody and Support
Education Law
Special Education, Discipline, Bullying, Gifted Education, Higher Education, Academic Disputes
Special Needs Planning
Special Needs Trusts, Guardianships and Alternatives
Family Law
Focus on Special Needs Issues in Divorce, Custody and Support
Many parents who contact a lawyer about their children are uncertain of their legal rights and options. Our initial consultation is tailored to understand the client’s specific needs and provide the knowledge necessary to make informed initial decisions. There is no charge for the first 30 minutes.
NOTICE: During the COVID emergency we offer telephone and virtual consultations.
To make an appointment, call our office number, 215-750-9500, or email a request. In response to your email, you will receive a welcoming call or email and instructions for submitting any documents or other information you wish us to review.

About Us & Services Overview
Ilene Young Law Offices is a well-known, established, family, community and results oriented law practice. We have successfully represented the parents and children of our community in special education law, education law, domestic relations, civil and juvenile rights, disabilities planning and litigation since 1981, with a focus on children with special needs and learning differences. Many of our clients have been with us for over a decade.
Education Law: We represent parents and students in all school law matters, in public and charter schools, private schools, colleges, universities and technical schools: Special Education, Gifted Education, Higher Education, Disability Accommodations, Testing Accommodations, Academic Disputes, Discipline, Truancy, Juvenile & Children & Youth, Alternative Placement Defense & Negotiation, Tuition Reimbursement Claims, Truancy Defense, and Bullying Victim’s Rights.
Early Childhood and Preschool : Entitlement to early intervention identification for disability school and community services and supports, appropriate screening and evaluation, identification of needs and goals and securing accommodations and school and community programming
K-12: Special education IEP development and disputes, disability accommodations, gifted education, school discipline, bullying, civil rights and school records disputes.
Adult Transition: Special education and adult service coordination and disputes, access to successful adult disability transition to community living.
College: Disability accommodations, high stakes testing, school and academic discipline, academic and athletic scholarship defense, and discrimination.
Graduate and Professional School: High stakes testing, academic dismissal defense and appeal, disability accommodations, civil rights and record disputes.
Special Needs Planning: Our comprehensive special needs planning provides legal roadmaps and support as parents navigate their child’s disability entitlement throughout their lifetimes. Some of the tools: Guardianships, special needs trusts, powers of attorney, assistance in securing and appealing denials of benefits from behavioral health and social security; guidance in transitioning from school-aged services to adult.
Family Law with a Focus on Special Needs: We offer direct representation and specialized consultation, for special needs issues in divorce, custody, support, including adult child support issues, in all suburban Philadelphia counties.
670 Woodbourne Road
Suite 302
Langhorne, PA 19047
Get In Touch
Location: 670 Woodbourne Road
Suite 302
Langhorne, PA 19047
Telephone: 215-750-9500
Email: info@ileneyoung.com

All content in this web site is provided for informational purposes only. Legal services described in this web site are personally provided by Ilene Young, Esquire and associates. Ilene Young is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania, ED PA Federal Court, and the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C. Nothing in this site may be relied upon as legal advice. By using this site or contacting Ilene Young Law Offices or the attorneys at Ilene Young Law Offices through this site, you agree that you understand the following: Nothing on this site is legal advice. It is informational and educational in nature. Do not act or refrain from acting based on what you read on this site. If you require legal assistance please reach out to an attorney who is licensed in your jurisdiction. Reading this site or communicating with Ilene Young Law Offices, or any attorney at Ilene Young Law offices, through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship between you and Ilene Young Law Offices or any attorney.