Location: 670 Woodbourne Road, Suite 302, Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 215-750-9500 Email: info@ileneyoung.com
Beyond Special Needs Planning
Guardianship & AlternativesAt the age of 18, young people become adults with the legal right to make decisions on their own behalf. People with disabilities sometimes need supports to help them. Guardianship is one legal means of providing a substitute decision-maker for an adult who lacks capacity to decide themselves. Appointment of a Guardian is made by a judge, in a legal proceeding, finding an individual incapacitated and appointing a Guardian for their well-being.
Our Focus & Brief History
Ilene Young Law Offices is a well-known, established, family, community and results oriented law practice. We have successfully represented the parents and children of our community in special education law, education law, domestic relations, civil and juvenile rights, disabilities planning and litigation since 1981, with a focus on children with special needs and learning differences. Many of our clients have been with us for over a decade.
Guardianship & Alternatives
While full or “plenary” Guardianship is essential for some individuals, other legal alternatives to Guardianship may be just as effective for others. These other tools available under Pennsylvania Law range from limited Guardianships to Powers of Attorney or informal shared accounts. A review of the individual’s specific needs determines the best legal option. An alternative to Guardianship legal plan may include one or many of the following legal instruments:
- A limited Guardianship for a partially incapacitated person which identifies specific powers of the guardian targeted to their specific functional impairments.
- A Health Care Representative appointed to make health care decisions.
- A Health Care Power of Attorney, or Mental Health Care Power of Attorney.
- Appointment of Representative Payees and Fiduciary Representatives.
- A Durable Power of Attorney.
- Trusts, including Special Needs Trusts, ABLE accounts, and informal joint accounts to fund expenses and protect assets.

670 Woodbourne Road
Suite 302
Langhorne, PA 19047
Get In Touch
Location: 670 Woodbourne Road
Suite 302
Langhorne, PA 19047
Telephone: 215-750-9500
Email: info@ileneyoung.com

All content in this web site is provided for informational purposes only. Legal services described in this web site are personally provided by Ilene Young, Esquire and associates. Ilene Young is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania, ED PA Federal Court, and the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C. Nothing in this site may be relied upon as legal advice. By using this site or contacting Ilene Young Law Offices or the attorneys at Ilene Young Law Offices through this site, you agree that you understand the following: Nothing on this site is legal advice. It is informational and educational in nature. Do not act or refrain from acting based on what you read on this site. If you require legal assistance please reach out to an attorney who is licensed in your jurisdiction. Reading this site or communicating with Ilene Young Law Offices, or any attorney at Ilene Young Law offices, through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship between you and Ilene Young Law Offices or any attorney.