Location: 670 Woodbourne Road, Suite 302, Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 215-750-9500 Email: info@ileneyoung.com
Newest Filings & Decisions of Note
Verdicts & DecisionsMost legal cases result in settlement without the need for litigation. Cases which go through certain administrative hearings, or trial and appeal, result in a written opinion, which becomes part of the public record of written law.
Due Process Hearing Representation
A hearing room can be an intimidating place to face alone. To discuss representation for your due process hearing, contact our office for a free 1/2 hour initial consultation with an attorney or advocate. Our office represents parents in special education matters throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Email or call 215-750-9500
Ilene Young Law Offices has successfully negotiated settlements for hundreds of parents in special education dispute with their school districts and charters. The following is a sampling of recent results of due process litigation, in those cases where resolution was not possible before trial:
Educational Law
Recent Due Process Decisions
- Bucks Co. Montessori Charter School: Parents are awarded private school tuition reimbursement.
- Commonwealth Charter Academy: Parents are awarded two full years compensatory education for denial of FAPE.
- Upper Dublin School District: Parents are awarded compensatory education for denial of FAPE.
- Downingtown School District: Parents are awarded tuition reimbursement for private school.
- Columbia Borough School District: District is ordered to return student from alternative disciplinary placement to regular school building in response to parent due process challenge.
- Council Rock S.D.: Parents are awarded private school tuition reimbursement.
- Central Bucks S.D.: Parents are awarded full compensatory education for denial of FAPE by District’s generic life skills program.
- Pennsbury S.D.: Parents are awarded compensatory education and tuition reimbursement due to District’s failure to propose an appropriate private program and placement for the child. Parents prevail on 504 and IDEA claims.
- Centennial S.D.: Parents are awarded two full years of compensatory education and an independent evaluation due to the District’s failure to identify and appropriately program for the child. Clients prevailed on Section 504 and IDEA claims. Click to read the decision.
- Philadelphia: Parents are awarded two full years of compensatory education for denial of FAPE, where the student’s program did not provide for adequate academic achievement. Click to read the decision.
Earlier Decisions
- Central Bucks S.D.:Hearing Officer’s finding that District’s generic program for students with Aspergers’ syndrome was an appropriate program is reversed on appeal, Parent’s claim prevails.
- Minersville Area S.D.:District, found to bear burden of proof in establishing that its evaluation of student is adequate, fails to do so; Parents are awarded an independent evaluation by an expert of their choosing at District expense.
- Council Rock S.D.:Student with ADHD is awarded compensatory education and tuition reimbursement for two year denial of FAPE.
Children and Youth
Pennsylvania Superior Court: The Court of Appeals upholds rights of family against opposing claims of Bucks County Children and Youth Agency; after three year battle, child is placed with paternal family. Click here to read the decision.
670 Woodbourne Road
Suite 302
Langhorne, PA 19047
Get In Touch
Location: 670 Woodbourne Road
Suite 302
Langhorne, PA 19047
Telephone: 215-750-9500
Email: info@ileneyoung.com

All content in this web site is provided for informational purposes only. Legal services described in this web site are personally provided by Ilene Young, Esquire and associates. Ilene Young is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania, ED PA Federal Court, and the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C. Nothing in this site may be relied upon as legal advice. By using this site or contacting Ilene Young Law Offices or the attorneys at Ilene Young Law Offices through this site, you agree that you understand the following: Nothing on this site is legal advice. It is informational and educational in nature. Do not act or refrain from acting based on what you read on this site. If you require legal assistance please reach out to an attorney who is licensed in your jurisdiction. Reading this site or communicating with Ilene Young Law Offices, or any attorney at Ilene Young Law offices, through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship between you and Ilene Young Law Offices or any attorney.